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Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror
うずまき / Uzumaki / The Spiral
Big Comic Spirits / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二
Voices in the Dark
闇の声 / Yami no Koe / Chi wo Susuru Yami, Golden Time no Yuurei, Gouon, Obake Yashiki no Nazo, Glyceride, Jibakusha, Shikeishuu no Yobirin, The Dark Drinks Blood, Ghosts of Golden Time, Roar of Ages, Secret of the Haunted Mansion, The Earthbound, Dead Man Calling
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Nemuki
Shin Yami no Koe: Kaidan
新・闇の声 潰談 / New Voices in the Dark, Souichi Zensen, Souichi no Aigan Doubutsu, Awase Kagamidani nite, Yuurei ni Naritakunai, Zousho Genei, Yami no Zesshou
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Nemuki
地獄星レミナ / Jigokusei Remina / Hellstar Remina, Okuman Bocchi, Army of One
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Big Comic Spirits Casual
I Am a Hero Koushiki Comic Anthology: 8 Tales of the ZQN
アイアムアヒーロー 公式アンソロジーコミック 8 TALES OF THE ZQN / She is a Slow Walker
Big Comic Spirits / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Tarou Nogizaka / 乃木坂 太郎 / Masakazu Ishiguro / 石黒 正数 / Akane Torikai / 鳥飼 茜 / Mengo Yokoyari / 横槍 メンゴ / Makoto Ojiro / オジロ マコト / Etsuko Mizusawa / 水沢 悦子 / Kouji Yoshimoto / 吉本 浩二
Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu
伊藤潤二の猫日記よん&むー / Ito Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Mu / Itou Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Muu, Ito Junji's Cat Diary
Magazine-Z / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二
2🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Black Paradox
ブラックパラドクス / The Licking Woman, Mystery Pavillion
Big Comic Spirits / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二
Yuukoku no Rasputin
Big Comic / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Takashi Nagasaki / 長崎 尚志 / リチャード・ウー / Richard Woo / 空論 / Kuuron / プランダ村 / Prandamura / 江戸川 啓視 / Keishi Edogawa / 東周斎 雅楽 / Garaku Toushuusai / ビッグ・オー / Big Woo / Masaru Satou / 佐藤 優
Fragments of Horror
魔の断片 / Ma no Kakera / The Shards of Evil, Futon, Mokuzou no Kai, Tomio: Akai High-neck, Yuruyaka na Wakare, Kaibou-chan, Kuroi Tori, Nanakuse Magami, Mimikosuru Onna, Haunted Wood Mansion, Tomio: Red Turtleneck, Lingering Farewell, Dissection Girl, Black Bird, Nanakuse
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Nemuki+
Ningen Isu
人間椅子 / The Human Chair
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Big Comic Original Zoukan / Ranpo Edogawa / 江戸川 乱歩 / Edogawa Rampo
Junji Ito's Dissolving Classroom
溶解教室 / Youkai Kyoushitsu / Supernatural Classroom, Dissolving Series, Youkai Bijo, Youkai Apartment, Chizumi no Koi, Akuma no Kaiken, Daichi no Ko, Dissolving Beauty, Chizumi in Love, Interview with the Devil, The Return, Children of the Earth
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / motto!
Ghost Heights Kanri Kumiai
ゴーストハイツ管理組合 / Ghost Heights Management Association
Comic Flapper / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二
Yama Kaidan
山怪談 / Kamigami no Yama: Makyou no Mine, Mountain of Gods: Precipice of the Unknown, Yama no Reiiki
Akihito Yoshitomi / 吉富 昭仁 / Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Hontou ni Atta Kowai Hanashi / Daisuke Imai / 今井 大輔 / Junpei Azumi / 安曇 潤平 / Akemi Inokawa / 猪川 朱美 / Mimika Itou / 伊藤 三巳華
センサー / Muma no Kikou, Travelogue of the Succubus
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Nemuki+
Venus in the Blind Spot
伊藤潤二短編集 BEST OF BEST / Best of Best: Itou Junji Tanpenshuu / Ningen Isu, The Human Chair, Umezu-sensei to Watashi, Master Umezz and Me, Umezz Kazuo & Me, Miirareta Kirida Kyouju, How Love Came to Professor Kirida, Kono Yo no Hoka no Koi, An Unearthly Love, Wasuregatami, Keepsake
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Big Comic Original Zoukan / Ranpo Edogawa / 江戸川 乱歩 / Edogawa Rampo
Junshoku Madara Nikki
潤色まだら日記 / A Diary of Embellished Patches
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Nemuki
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Slice of Life
Horror Anthology Comic Shikaku
ホラーアンソロジーcomic 死角 / Horror Anthology Comic: Blindside
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Yousuke Takahashi / 高橋 葉介 / 高橋 庸介 / Kanako Inuki / 犬木 加奈子 / Hideshi Hino / 日野 日出志 / Noto Osada / 長田 ノオト / Ame to Toge / 雨と棘 / 雨がっぱ少女群 / Amagappa Shoujogun / Amagappashoujogun / Michiru Noroi / 呪 みちる
Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection
伊藤润二恐怖漫画精选 / 伊藤潤二恐怖マンガ / Blood-bubble Bushes / Collection / Flesh Coloured Horror / Frankenstein / Hallucinations / Hanging Balloons / House of the Marionettes / Ito Junji Kyofu Hakubutsukan / Junji Ito Collection / Junji Ito's Museum of Terror / Kao Dorobo / Kao Dorobou / Long Dream / Lovesick Dead / Museum of Terror / Shibito no Kowazurai / Slug Girl / Souichi's Diary of Delights / The Back Alley / The Bully / The Circus is Here / The Face Burglar / The Horror World of Junji / The Junji Ito Horror Comic Collection / The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel / The Town Without Streets / Thing that Drifted Ashore / Town Without Streets
itou junji
Tombs: Junji Ito Story Collection
Gravemarker Town / Gravetown / Junji Ito Collection Masterpiece Vol. 9 / Street of Gravestones / Bohyou no Machi / 伊藤潤二傑作集9 墓標の町 / 墓標の町
Itou Junji
Ito Junji no Bishoujo Zankoku Douwa: Shirayukihime-hen
伊藤潤二の美少女残酷童話 白雪姫編 / Snow White
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Manga Grimm Douwa
Umezz Kazuo & Me
楳図先生と私 / Umezu-sensei to Watashi / Umezu Kazuo & Me, Umezz Kazuo and Me, Umezz-sensei to Watashi
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / Gekkan! Spirits
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Slice of Life
Itou Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Mu
伊藤润二的猫日记 - 四 & Mu / 伊藤潤二の猫日記よん&むー / Ito Junji's Cat Diary / Ito Junji's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu / Itou Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Muu
itou junji / itou junji no neko nikki: yon & mu 11
Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Itou Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Mu
伊藤润二的猫日记 - 四 & Mu / 伊藤潤二の猫日記よん&むー / Ito Junji's Cat Diary / Ito Junji's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu / Itou Junji no Neko Nikki: Yon & Muu
itou junji
Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Junji Ito Masterpiece Selection
Junji Ito Masterpiece Selection / Shiver / Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories / 伊藤潤二自選傑作集 / Ito Junji Jisen Kessakushuu / Brivido e altre storie
Itou Junji