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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
風の谷のナウシカ / Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä / Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa
Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎 駿 / Animage
Hikoutei Jidai
飛行艇時代 / The Age of the Flying Boat, Porco Rosso
Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎 駿 / Model Graphix
Dobutsu Takarajima
どうぶつ宝島 / Animal Treasure Island
Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎 駿
Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko
長靴をはいた猫 / Puss in Boots, Cat Who Wore Cavalier Boots, The Wonderful World of Puss 'n Boots
Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎 駿
Westall Gensou: Tynemouth e no Tabi
ウェストール幻想 タインマスへの旅 / Blackham no Bakugekiki, Blackham's Wimpy, A Trip to Tynemouth
Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎 駿
Otto Carius - Doromamire no tora
Otto Carius / Otto Carius: Des Tigres Couverts de Boue / Otto Carius: Doromamire no tora / Otto Carius: Tigers in the Mud / Tiger Im Schlamm Doromamire No Tora Hayao Miyazaki No Mousou Note / 泥まみれの虎―宮崎駿の妄想ノート
Miyazaki Hayao