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Suki to Iu no ni Naze Kashira
好きというのになぜかしら / Suki Toiunoni Nazekashira
Dear+ / Akane Abe / 阿部 あかね
Ota Tomo ga Kareshi ni Nattara, Saikou, Kamo Shirenai
It Might Be The Best If My Otaku Friend Became My Boyfriend / オタ友が彼氏になったら、最高、かもしれない
aoi mito
I Was Reborn As A Housekeeper In A Parallel World!
Tensei Shita Isekai de Kaseifu ni Narimashita! / Femme de ménage dans un monde parallèle / I Was Reborn as a Housekeeper in a Parallel World! / 転生した異世界で家政婦になりました! / 轉生侍女的王宮奮鬥記
Yuki Iinuma
I Will Go and Disappear Obediently
Watashi wa otonashiku kiesaru koto ni shimasu / 私はおとなしく消え去ることにします / I will quietly dissapear
kirie / nardack / ruru
About My Room Leads to Dungeon
僕の部屋がダンジョンの休憩所になってしまった件 / Boku no Heya ga Dungeon no Kyuukeijo ni Natteshimatta Ken / My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area
Web Comic Gamma / Fudou Tougoku / 東国 不動 / Yoshi Takoyaki / たこやき よし / Takoyakibatake / たこ焼き畑
Let's Meet at The Witches' Gathering
Majo Shuukai de Aimashou / 魔女集会で会いましょう / Majo Shuukai de Ai Mashou / A Story about Seriously Injured Boy and A Witch Who Embraced Him / Hakuryuu to Kuro no Majo / He was a great wizard / Kare wa Rippa na Mahou Tsukai Datta / Let's Meet At the Witches' Gathering (Miyako Cak) / White and Black / White Dragon and Witch / 大変なケガをした男の子と、そんな彼を介抱した魔女のお話 / 彼は立派な魔法使いだった / 白と黒 / 白竜と黒 の魔女
cak miyako / metubusi / oguanf / sakusya2honda / various artists / yuzua
14Fantasy,Magic,Drama,Slice of Life
I Tried Out Crossdressing With Two Weeks Left to Live
I Tried Out Crossdressing With Two Weeks Left to Live / 余命2週間なので女装してみた
🇯🇵Crossdressing,Full Color
A Manga About a Hero Who Pulled Out the Holy Sword and Became a Girl
Seinaru Ken wo Nuitara Onna no Ko ni Natte Shimatta Yuusha no Manga / 聖なる剣とTS願望勇者 / 聖なる剣を抜いたら女の子になってしまった勇者の漫画です
Fukuoka Taro
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Ecchi,Comedy,Fantasy,Genderswap,Adventure,Slice of Life
Shikabana: Hana, Shitai, Koto
Young Jump / Kei Monri / 門里 慧 / nojo
When I Confessed to a Cool Gal..
When I Confessed to a Cool Gal.. / クールなギャルに告白したら… / Cool na Gyaru ni Kokuhaku Shitara...
Hashimoto Kurara
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life
The Redemption of the Blue Rose Princess
Aobara Hime no Yarinaoshi Kakumeiki / Aobara-hime no Yarinaoshi Kakumeiki / Aoi Bara Hime no Yarinaoshi Kakumeiki / Princess Blue Rose and Rebuilding Kingdom / Redemption of the Blue Rose Princess / The Revolutionary Redo of Princess Blue Rose / 青薔薇姫のやりなおし革命記
Kaname Roku / YUDUKI Shou
Danzai sareta Akuyaku Reijou wa, Gyakkou shite Kanpeki na Akujo wo Mezasu
Danzai sareta Akuyaku Reijou wa, Gyakkou shite Kanpeki na Akujo wo Mezasu / 断罪された悪役令嬢は、逆行して完璧な悪女を目指す / The Condemned Villainess Goes Back in Time and Aims to Become the Ultimate Villain
Narayama Bakufu / Rato Kitaguni
3🇯🇵Time Travel,Romance,School Life,Fantasy,Villainess,Adaptation
Watashi no Shiranai, Senpai no 100 Ko no Koto
100 Hal yang Tidak Aku Ketahui Tentang Seniorku / 100 Things I Don’t Know About My Senior / Watashi no shiranai senpai no 100 ko no koto / Watashi no shiranai, senpai no 100-ko no koto / わたしの知らない、先輩の100コのこと
Togai Aoi / Honronron
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
The Kouhai with a Crush on Me is Trying to Make Herself Very Appealing to Me
The Kouhai with a Crush on Me is Trying to Make Herself Very Appealing to Me / 僕の事が好きな後輩がめっちゃアピールしてくる / Boku no Koto ga Suki na Kouhai ga Meccha Apiiru Shitekuru
Fukuoka Tarou
There's No Way I Can Have a Lover! *Or Maybe There Is!?
Watanare / Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (Muri Janakatta!?) / わたしが恋人になれるわけないじゃん、ムリムリ!(※ムリじゃなかった!?) / わたなれ
Musshu, Mikami Teren / Musshu
24🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudasai
ダメな私に恋してください / Please Love the Useless Me
Aya Nakahara / 中原 アヤ / YOU
The Useless Tamer Will Turn into the Top Unconsciously by My Previous Life Knowledge
About Making the Low-tier Tamer Profession Top-tier Using My Previous Life’s Knowledge / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihengyo Tamer Ga Joukyugyo Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken Ni Tsuite / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihenshoku Tamer Ga Joukyuushoku Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken / Ore No Zensei No Chishiki De Teihen Shoku Tamer Ga Joukyuu Shoku Ni Natte Shimai Sou Na Ken / 俺の前世の知識で底辺職テイマーが上級職になってしまいそうな件
Yoshigae Tamaki / Niwa Rhythm
Until My Best Friend Who Became a Girl One Day Becomes Happy
Until My Best Friend Who Became a Girl One Day Becomes Happy / ある日女になってしまった親友が幸せになるまでの話
Kiyu Fuyuki
2🇯🇵Genderswap,Drama,School Life,Slice of Life
Kenshi O Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo!?
剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!? / I applied as a swordsman, but my magic aptitude is 9999?!
Ijou / Nenjuu Mugichatarou / Iiman
Action,Fantasy,School Life,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Is There a Demand for a Harem Manga With Only XXX Appearing?
Is There a Demand for a Harem Manga With Only XXX Appearing? / ○○○○○○しか出ないハーレム漫画って需要ありますか?
YOUHA (ヨウハ)
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,Crossdressing,School Life
Daily Life Of A Couple In Which The Boyfriend Became A Girl One Day
Daily Life Of A Couple In Which The Boyfriend Became A Girl One Day / ある日彼氏が女の子になってしまったカップルの日常
22🇯🇵Genderswap,Romance,Slice of Life,Full Color
I’Ve Sworn To Be In The Afterlife, But It Became A Mess After Reincarnating
Raise o Chikatte Tensei Shitara Taihen na Koto ni natta / We Swore to Meet in the Next Life and That’s When Things Got Weird! / 来世を誓って転生したら大変なことになった
Hachiya Hato
Isekai de Nonbiri Iyashi Te Hajimemasu: Doku ni mo Kusuri ni mo Naranai kara Tensei shita Ohanashi
異世界でのんびり癒し手はじめます ~毒にも薬にもならないから転生したお話~ / I Will Leisurely Become a Healer in Another World
ComicWalker / Ikuhiro Nao / 名尾 生博 / Kaya / カヤ
It Seems My Lady Is The Villainess With Only A Bad End, So I'm Thinking Of Saving Her
Uchi no Ojou-sama ga Hametsu End shika nai Akuyaku Reijou no you na no de, Ore ga Kyuusei shitai to Omoimasu. / うちのお嬢様が破滅エンドしかない悪役令嬢のようなので俺が救済したいと思います。
Komori Kiri / Mizuguchi Too / Momoshiki
Doushiyoumo Nai Keredo
どうしようもないけれど / Doushiyoumo Nai Karedo
Dear+ / Isaku Natsume / 夏目 イサク
Kiss Me Or I'll Die
Kiss Shite Kurenakya Shinjau ,KisU Shite Kurenakya Shinjau ,キスしてくれなきゃ死んじゃう
Keishi Nishikida
1Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Souiu Koto Nara, Watashi Ga.
そういうことなら、わたしが。 / Sou Iu Koto Nara, Watashi ga. / 既然这样,那我。
Komura Ayumi
Swept Up By the Wind Spirit
Don't Be Obsessed With a Spirit Like Me / 不要执着于像我这样的精灵! / 私みたいな精霊に執着しないでください! / 저 같은 정령에게 집착하지 마세요! / 저같은 정령에게 집착하지 마세요!
miso / dobora / gony
1127🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Drama,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance,Reverse Harem,Historical
Kaiju Beidong Wudi
Kāijú Bèidòng Wúdí / Passive Invincibility at the Start / Passive Invincible From the Start / Ta Chẳng Làm Gì Cũng Vô Địch / 开局被动无敌 / 転生したら反撃スキルしか持たない男になった / 이세계 몬스터들
1🇨🇳Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Harem,Comedy,Harlequin
My Favorite Idol Became My Little Sister
My Favorite Idol Became My Little Sister / Oshi ga Imouto Ni Narimashite. / 推しが妹になりまして。
Kawai Rou
Jishou! Heibon Mazoku No Eiyuu Life: B-Kyuu Mazoku Nano Ni Cheat Dungeon Wo Tsukutteshimatta Kekka
自称! 平凡魔族の英雄ライフ~B級魔族なのにチートダンジョンを作ってしまった結果~
Shiroichi Amaui / Neko Koneko
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,School Life
The Savior's Book Café In Another World
I Was Summoned to Another World as a Savior, but Because I’m a Woman in My Thirties That’s Impossible, So I Quietly Started a Book Cafe. / Isekai ni kyuseishu to shite yoba remashitaga, arasa ni wa murinanode, hissori bukku kafe hajimemashita. / 異世界に救世主として喚ばれましたが、アラサーには無理なので、ひっそりブックカフェ始めました。
Izumi Kyouka (和泉杏花) / Oumiya (近江谷) / Sakurada Reiko
1Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life