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Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita
また、同じ夢を見ていた / I Too Saw the Same Dream
Idumi Kirihara / 桐原 いづみ / Izumi Kirihara / Monthly Action / Yoru Sumino / 住野 よる
Takane no Hana wa Usotsuki desu.
Comic Yuri Hime / Ameno / 飴野 / Chisame / ちさめ
21🇯🇵Shoujo ai
Samenai Machi no Kissaten
さめない街の喫茶店 / A Coffee Shop in the Unwaking Town
Matogrosso / Hasha / はしゃ
🇯🇵Manga,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Cooking,Supernatural
The Female Student and the Woman on the Same Bus
Onaji Bus no Onee-san to Jogakusei / 同じバスのお姉さんと女学生
nagori yu
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross
紳士同盟† / Shinshi Doumei Cross / The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross, Shinshi Doumei +, Umi no Chikyuugi Nocturne, The Globe of the Sea - Nocturne, Shoujo Eve Ringo Jikake no 24 Ji, Shojo Eve: Eve's Applework 24 Hours, Kusame and Komaki and the Key of Love, Umi no C
Arina Tanemura / 種村 有菜 / Ribon Magazine
Same Difference
どっちもどっち / Docchi mo Docchi / Mega-dere, Maji desu., Endoo-kun nara Shikataganai, Omee wa Chotto Oni sugiru, Docchi mo Docchi!!! Daisan no Ikemen
Gush / Nozomu Hiiragi / 柊 のぞむ
Manabi Ikiru wa Fuufu no Tsutome
twi4 / Daizu Kosame / 小雨 大豆
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Whispered Words
ささめきこと / Sasameki Koto / Kamisama to Dance
Comic Alive / Takashi Ikeda / いけだ たかし
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Shoujo ai
Murasame-kun no Tawagoto
村雨くんの戯言 / Murasame-kun na Tawagoto
Sho-Comi / Yuki Shiraishi / 白石 ユキ
Chuugaku Onaji dakedo Shabetta Koto Nai Tomodachi
中学同じだけど喋ったことないトモダチ / A Friend Who I Went to the Same Middle School With but Have Never Talked To
Shounen Sunday / Akihisa Maki / 牧 彰久
Mako-san wa Shindemo Jiritsu Shinai
マコさんは死んでも自立しない / Mako-san Will Not Be Independent Even If It Kills Her, Under The Same Roof
Shounen Magazine / Daisuke Chida / 千田 大輔
2🇯🇵Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,Harem
Touhou - Kero-chan Dendouki (Doujinshi)
Touhou - Froggy’s Missionary Journey / Touhou - Kero-chan Dendouki / Touhou dj - Froggy’s Missionary Journey / Touhou dj - Kero-chan Dendouki / ケロちゃん伝道記
ice rain / hisame genta
The Story of a Boy Who Sits Next to a Beautiful Classmate
Be Next to a Beautiful Girl in the Same Class / Bijin no Classmate to Tonari no Seki ni Natta Otokonoko no Hanashi / 与同班美少女成为邻桌 / 美人のクラスメイトと隣の席になった男の子の話
tachibana natsuka
Netemo Sametemo
寝ても醒めても / Süßes Gift 03 - Ob ich schlafe oder wach bin
Mieko Koide / こいで みえこ
Aijima-san wa Sameteiru!?
Young Magazine the 3rd / Yuusaku Takuji / 卓二 雄作
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Birikketsu no Mahou
びりっけつの魔法 / Imperfect Love Spell, Yowareru Karada, Doukashiteiru!, The Power of Pants, You're Still Standing at the Same Place, Looking at the Same Sky
Magazine Be x Boy / Kumiko Suekane / スエカネ クミコ / Ryou Mutobe
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Boku no Himitsu no Naka de Nemuru Kimi no Me ga Sameru Made
黒子のバスケ dj - 僕の秘密の中で眠る君の目が醒めるまで / Kuroko no Basket dj - Till You Who Is Sleeping among My Secrets Awakens / Kuroko no Basuke dj - Till You Who Is Sleeping among My Secrets Awakens
fancioulle (sabori)
Doujinshi,Drama,School Life,Shounen ai
When I Woke Up, I Was A Girl
Megasameta-ra on'nanoko ni natte ita hanashi / 目が覚めたら女の子になっていた話 / Unparalleled Mememori-kun / Mememori-kun ni wa kanawanai
6Comedy,Gender Bender,School Life,Slice of Life
Citrus: Comic Anthology
citrus コミックアンソロジー
Miyabi Fujieda / 藤枝 雅 / Naoko Kodama / コダマ ナオコ / Yayoi Oosawa / 大沢 やよい / Ako Katakura / 片倉 アコ / Eku Takeshima / 竹嶋 えく / Miyami Oomiya / 大宮 宮美 / Happa / Omiya / おーみやァ!! / おーみや / Hibiki Aoto / あおと 響 / Yuki Gotou / 後藤 悠希 / Neji / 寝路 / Ameno / 飴野 / Chisame / ちさめ / Haru Hisakawa / 久川 はる / Kiyoko Iwami / 岩見 樹代子 / Chiri Yuino / 結野 ちり / Yuki Yukio / 雪尾 ゆき / Kayako / かやこ / 星屑ドルチェ / Hoshikuzu Dolce / Haruka Kiriyama / 桐山 はるか / かるは / Karuha / prism*pink
1🇯🇵Comedy,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
10th: You and I fell in love with the same person.
10th You and I fell in love with the same person.
Gangan Online / Yuuko Inari / 伊鳴 優子 / Yuko Inari
Two Lives in the Same House
2 Lives 1 / House Another Face of Roommate / Hanjip Du Sallim / 한집 두 살림
Yuri(GL),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Shoujo ai
Sweet Seduction: Under the Same Roof with The Guy I Hate
Hitotsu yane no shita de... kiraina aitsu no amai yuuwaku / ひとつ屋根の下で…キライなアイツの甘い誘惑
akiko naoe
Josei(W),Comedy,Romance,Drama,Slice of Life
Touhou - Hakurei Reimu to Kirisama Marisa wwa Tsukiatte iru rashii
Looks Like Hakurei Reimu and Kirisame Marisa Are Dating. (Touhou Project), 博麗霊夢と霧雨魔理沙はつきあっているらしい, Hakurei Reimu to Kirisame Marisa wa tsukiatte irurashī senbai, Reimu e Marisa saindo juntinhas
StrangeChamelon (Circle),Mikagami Hiyori,Hisaka Tooru
Free! - Same to Iruka no Rendezvous (doujinshi)
サメとイルカのランデブー / Same to Iruka no Rendezvous / Free! dj - Shark & Dolphin Rendezvous
bon'nou als (sawashiro rona)
Doujinshi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai
Lady Rose Wants To Be A Commoner
レディローズは平民になりたい , 萝丝小姐希望成为平民, Lady Rose wa heimin ni naritai, Леди Роза желает стать простолюдинкой, Redirozu wa heimin ni naritai, Lady Rose Heimin ni Naritai
Genta Hisame (Ice Rain) / Hidaka Nami
1Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,Slice of Life