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The Results of Awakening to Over-Strong Power
Beyond Good and Evil
なれの果ての僕ら / Nare no Hate no Bokura
Shounen Magazine / Yae Utsumi / 内海 八重
Yahari Ore No Seishun Rabukome Wa Machigatte Iru. - Mougenroku
やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。-妄言録- / 我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题 / My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong as I Expected / Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. / Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatte Iru / Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatte Iru - Monologue - / Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru / Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatte Iru. / My Teen Romance Comedy Snafu
Watari Wataru
Seinen(M),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Jishou! Heibon Mazoku No Eiyuu Life: B-Kyuu Mazoku Nano Ni Cheat Dungeon Wo Tsukutteshimatta Kekka
自称! 平凡魔族の英雄ライフ~B級魔族なのにチートダンジョンを作ってしまった結果~
Shiroichi Amaui / Neko Koneko
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,School Life
Because of Her Love for Sake, the Otome Game Setting Was Broken and the Villainous Noblewoman Became the Noblewoman With Cheats
Akibat merusak setting otome game demi sake, putri villain menjadi gadis penipu / As a Result of Breaking an Otome Game, the Villainess Young Lady Becomes a Cheat! / Osake no Tame ni Otome Game Setting wo Buchikowashita Kekka, Akuyaku Reijou ga Cheat Reijou ni Narimashita / お酒のために乙女ゲー設定をぶち壊した結果、悪役令嬢がチート令嬢になりました
Yunaka / Nagao Uka
The End of the Journey.
ヒラエスは旅路の果て / Hiraeth wa Tabiji no Hate
Yuhki Kamatani / 鎌谷 悠希 / Morning Two
Minecraft: Journey to the World’s End
Minecraft: Sekai no Hate no Tabi / マインクラフト 世界の旗の旅 / マインクラフト〜世界の果てへの旅〜 / マインクラフト~世界の果てへの旅~
kazuyoshi seto
Green Apple Paradise
Cheong Sagwa Nak-won / Qing Ping Guo Le Yuan / Qing Pingguo Leyuan / 靑沙果乐园 / 靑沙果樂園 / 青苹果乐园 / 青蘋果樂園 / 청사과 낙원
cheong nak-won (청낙원)
316The Results from When I Time Leaped to My Second Year of High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked at the Time
Kou 2 ni Time Leaped Shita Ore ga, Touji suki Datta Sensei ni Kokutta Kekka / 高2にタイムリープした俺が、当時好きだった先生に告った結果 / 고2로 타임슬립한 내가, 당시 좋아했던 선생님한테 고백한 결과
kennoji / yasuyuki
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Drama,Slice of Life
Kagami no Mukou no Saihate Toshokan
Kagami no Mukou no Saihate Toshokan: Kou no Yuusha to Itsuwari no Maou / The Farthest Library in the Mirror / 鏡のむこうの最果て図書館 / 鏡のむこうの最果て図書館 光の勇者と偽りの魔王
Fuyutsuki Irori / Mito Itsuki, Namie
Sekai no Hate no Sougen de
世界の果ての草原で / The World at the Edge of the Grass Plain
LaLa DX / Keiko Ishihara / 石原 ケイコ
Your Hand Belongs To Me
きみの手はぼくのもの / Kimi no Te wa Boku no Mono / Kimino Tewa Bokuno Mono, Renai Sengen, Love Announcement, Kira Kira Kiseki
Be x Boy GOLD / Nabako Kamo / 果桃 なばこ
Seiketsu no Haguruma
Club Sunday / Kouhei Hanao / 果向 浩平 / Kohei Hanao
Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai
Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai / I Want to Do Bad Things with You / 君と悪いことがしたい / 想和你一起做壞事 / Kimiwaru
Yutaka (由田果)
356🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,School Life
Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden - Sora, Senku no Hate ni...
宇宙(そら)、閃光の果てに…―機動戦士ガンダム外伝 / Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story From Encounter in Space / Sora, Senku no Hate ni... / Space, at the End of a Flash... Mobile Suit Gundam / Uchuu (Sora), Senkou no Hate ni - Kidou Senshi Gundam
chiba tomohiro
Yuusha ga Shinda!
¡El héroe está muerto! El resultado de un héroe cayendo en una fosa que yo mismo cavé como aldeano. / Bohater nie żyje! / Pahlawannya Mokad! / The Hero Is Dead! / The Hero Is Dead! Because of the Hero Falling Into the Pitfall That I Dug as a Villager. / The Legendary Hero is Dead! / Yuusha ga Shinda! Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka / 勇者が死んだ! / 勇者が死んだ! 村人の俺が掘った落とし穴に勇者が落ちた結果。 / 勇者死了!是因为勇者掉进了作为村民的我挖的陷阱里
Koi no Kami-sama
アップル (KOMI Naoshi) / ウィリアムス / ペルソナント / الجزيرة / بيرسونانت / تفاحة / ويلليامس / 恋の神様 古味直志短編集 / 苹果 / Apple (KOMI Naoshi) / God of Love (Sukimasuki) / Island (KOMI Naoshi) / Koi no Kamisama / Nisekoi & autres histoires sentimentales (French) / Personant / Williams
naoshi komi
Shounen(B),Adventure,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life: B-kyuu Mazoku nano ni Cheat Dungeon wo Tsukutteshimatta Kekka
Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life / Self-Proclaimed Ordinary Demon's Heroic Life: The Result of Him Creating a Cheat Dungeon, Even Though He's Supposedly a B-Grade Demon / The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) 'Mediocre' Demon! / The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) "Mediocre" Demon! / Самопровозглашенные герои-чародеи, демоны и читерское подземелье! / 自称! 平凡魔族の英雄ライフ / 自称! 平凡魔族の英雄ライフ~B級魔族なのにチートダンジョンを作ってしまった結果~ / 自称!平凡魔族的英雄生活 / 自稱!平凡魔族的英雄生活~明明是B級魔族卻創造了作弊級地下城的結果~ / 자칭! 평범한 마족의 영웅 라이프 ~B급 마족인데 치트 던전을 만든 결과~
Amaui Shiroichi / Konekoneko
1🇯🇵Ecchi,Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,School Life
Yuusha ga Shinda!
勇者が死んだ! 村人の俺が掘った落とし穴に勇者が落ちた結果。 / 勇者死了!是因为勇者掉进了作为村民的我挖的陷阱里 / Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka / The Hero Is Dead!
subaruichi / yuusha ga shinda! 198
Grisaia no Kajitsu -Le Fruit de la Grisaia-
グリザイアの果実 / グリザイアの果実 -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA- / 灰色的果实 / Grisaia no Kajitsu - Le Fruit de la Grisaia / Le Fruit de la Grisaia / The Fruit of the Grisaia / Grisaia no Kajitsu - L'oiseau bleu / Grisaia no Kajitsu - Sanctuary Fellows
front wing / hirose shuu
1Seinen(M),Ecchi,Mature,Action,Comedy,Drama,Harem,Mystery,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Kashi of Osaka
大阪果子 / 大阪的果子 / Daban de Guozi / Daban Guozi
ni zi / child.killer
Shoujo(G),School Life,Slice of Life,Kids
Grisaia - Phantom Trigger
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger - Sekai no Hate / グリザイア:ファントムトリガー 世界の果て
Frontwing / HIROSE Shuu
🇯🇵Ecchi,Action,Drama,Mystery,School Life
Ingasei no Beze
Inga-sei no Baiser / Inga-sei no beze / Ingase no Beze / Ingasei no Baiser / 因果性のベゼ
aniya yuiji
I Look Too Much Like The Boss And The World Actually Believes It
I Look Too Much Like The Boss And The World Actually Believes It / 长的太像BOSS,结果世人真的信了 / Zhang De Tai Xiang BOSS, Jieguo Shiren Zhen De Xinle / Zhǎng De Tài Xiàng BOSS, Jiéguǒ Shìrén Zhēn De Xìnle / The Appearance is so BOSS-like, Yet Everyone Believes it
兔兔 / 星原漫工作室 / BOOM工作室
22🇨🇳Webtoon,Reincarnation,Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Harem,Wuxia,Isekai,Drama,Fantasy,Mystery,Full Color
The Shadows of Who We Once Were
Nare no Hate no Bokura / なれの果ての僕ら
EndChapter 74
The Result of Being Reincarnated is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest
転生してヤンデレ攻略対象キャラと主従関係になった結果 / Tensei Shite Yandere Kouryaku Yaishou Kyara to Shujuukankei ni Natta Kekka
yagi / shabon