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Seikoku no Dragonar
星刻の竜騎士〈ドラグナー〉 / Seikoku no Dragoner, Seikoku no Ryuukishi, Seikoku no Dragner, Dragonar Academy, The Star-Carved Dragner
Shiki Mizuchi / 瑞智 士記 / Kohada Shimesaba / 〆鯖 コハダ / Guzuguzu Teikoku / ぐずぐず帝国
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Fantasy,Magic,School Life,Slice of Life,Harem,Supernatural
Super Dimensional Love Gun
恋の超時空砲 / Koi no Choujikuuhou / Super-dimensional Love Gun, Japan's Number One Beauty Town, Konno Shigure's Blessed Daily Life, Lament of the Headless, White String, Oral Cavity Contagion Syndrome, Collecting Touch, Collecting Water, Station Toono, Station India, Invis, Local Tourist In
Shintarou Kago / 駕籠 真太郎
Yoru no Uta
藤田和日郎短編集 夜の歌 / Fujito Kazuhiro Tanpenshuu, Night Songs, Karakuri no Kimi, The Puppet Princess, The Clockwork Ones, Tenohira no Uta, Song of the Open Palm, Renrakusen Kitan, Strange Ferry Tale, Merry-Go-Round e!, To the Merry-Go-Round!, Yoru ni Sanpo shinai ka ne
Shounen Sunday / Kazuhiro Fujita / 藤田 和日郎 / 藤田 和宏
Yoiko-san to Furyou-sensei
菅野マナミ短編集 良い子さんと不良先生 / Good Girl & Bad Teacher, Sugano Manami Tanpenshuu, Kanojo no Himitsu, Kitsune to Yuriko, Hinata to Kuroneko, Maboroshi, Natsu, Kitsune no Densha, Mahoutsukai no Kanojo, Shisen, Nanohanasou
Manami Sugano / 菅野 マナミ
Dr. Stone Reboot: Byakuya
Dr.STONE reboot:百夜
Shounen Jump / Riichiro Inagaki / 稲垣 理一郎 / Boichi / 武直 朴
Zenbu Shiritai♡
ぜんぶ知りたい♡ / I want to know everything!, Sakasama Honey, Upside Down Honey, Chiru Chiru Michiru, Fall, Fall, Rise, Ashita, Hanabi ga Agattara, Tomorrow There Will Be Fireworks Above, Super☆Star
Deluxe Betsucomi / Nao Makita / 蒔田 ナオ
Dr. Prisoner
Shounen Magazine / Komatsu Ishikawa / 石川 小松 / Atsuo Ueda / 上田 敦夫
Bocchi Hakase to Robot Shoujo no Zetsubouteki Utopia
ぼっち博士とロボット少女の絶望的ユートピア / Lonely Professor and Robot Girl's Despair-Like Utopia
Kanehito Yamada / 山田 鐘人 / Sunday Webry
22🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Lonely and Organdy
ロンリーとオーガンジー / Lonely to Organdy
Dear+ / Tanaka Ogeretsu / おげれつ たなか / Marumero Tanaka
Ouchi e Kaerou
おうちへ帰ろう。 / Ouchi he Kaerou, Ore-sama Housekeeper, Digital Honey
Sho-Comi / Shou Ichikawa / 市川 ショウ
Don't Be Cruel
酷くしないで / Hidoku Shinaide / Treat me gently, Don't be Cruel, Please, Don't be Coldhearted, Please, After School Secret, Wagamama mo Aishite, Love the Selfish, Too, Hindered by Underwear, Don't Take Off the Sailor Uniform, Please
Magazine Be x Boy / Yonezou Nekota / ねこ田 米蔵 / Nekota Yonezoh / Komeya / 米屋 / Yamada D Yonezoh / 山田D米蔵
Sayonara Folklore
さよならフォークロア / Farewell Folklore, Hakase no Koneko to Ame no Asa, The Professor's Kitten and the Rainy Morning
Comic Yuri Hime / Kowo Kazuma / かずま こを
🇯🇵Drama,Shoujo ai
Honey Sour Flavor
ハニーサワー・フレーバー / Sparkling Sugar, Caramel Line
Nagina Nomoto / 野本 なぎな / B's-LOVEY recottia
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Sports,Slice of Life
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Futari no Elder
乙女はお姉さまに恋してる 2人のエルダー / Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru 2, Otoboku 2, Otome wa Onee-sama ni Koi Shiteru, The Maiden is Falling in Love With the Elder Sister, The Maiden is Falling in Love With Me
Comp Ace / Caramel Box / Akuru Uira / ういら あくる
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Romance,Gender Bender
Kyoumei suru Echo
共鳴するエコー / Lonesome Echo, Asymmetry, Runner's High, Unbalance
Tsubomi / Tatsumi Kigi / きぎ たつみ
Golden Warrior Iczer-One
イクサー伝説 / Iczer Densetsu / Iczer-One
Toshiki Hirano / 平野 俊貴 / Toshihiro Hirano / 俊弘 平野 / Yasuhiro Moriki / 森木 靖泰
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Aru Hi - H.D.A.
機動戦士ガンダム 或る日 -H.D.A.- / One Day: Haman's Deleted Affair, H.D.A
Hiroyuki Kitazume / 北爪 宏幸
Akuma no Puzzle
悪魔のパズル / Kare to Kanojo to+1, Karigami no Himegimi, Shichigatsu no Hanayome, Him and Her, Plus One, Karigami Princess, July Bride
LaLa DX / Akira Hagio / 萩尾 彬
Kudan no Kuroneko
件の黒猫 / Black Cat of the Matter, Fox of the Matter, Crystal of Love
Magazine Be x Boy / Shin Mizukami / 水上 シン
You're the last one I fall in love with!
キミとだけは恋に堕ちない / Kimi to dake wa Koi ni Ochinai
Ribon Magazine / Mayu Sakai / 酒井 まゆ
The Black Create Summoner: Revolt of Reincarnated
黒の創造召喚師―転生者の叛逆― / Kuro no Souzou Shoukanshi: Tenseisha no Hangyaku
Hiroki Ugawa / 宇河 弘樹 / AlphaPolis Web Manga / Sora Ikui / 幾威 空
The Devil Is A Part-timer! High School!
はたらく魔王さま! ハイスクール! / Hataraku Maou-sama! High School! / Demon Lord at Work! High School!
Dengeki Maoh / Kurone Mishima / 三島 くろね / Satoshi Wagahara / 和ヶ原 聡司
2🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Comedy,Fantasy,Supernatural,Parody,School Life,Slice of Life
Kuroneko Kareshi no Arukikata
Ayane Ukyou / 右京 あやね / Sakyo Aya / 左京 亜也 / Dear+
It was a one-sided love affair.
片恋ごっこ / Katakoi Gokko
drap / Seiryou Hyuuga / 日向 せいりょう
フェティッシュ / One My Star, Lies My Star, Torawarebito, Prisoner, Beautiful Days, Photograph, The Day of Departure
Garasu Hino / 日野 ガラス / KISSED.B / Hino Glass / b-Boy Honey
Honey and Clover
ハチミツとクローバー / Hachimitsu to Clover / HachiKuro, Honey & Clover, Sora no Kotori, Hoshi no Opera, HoneyClo
Chika Umino / 羽海野 チカ / Young You
🇯🇵Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Ashu Tokuiten I - Akusei Kakuzetsu Makyou Shinjuku - Shinjuku Genrei Jiken
Fate/Grand Order ‐Epic of Remnant‐ 亜種特異点I 悪性隔絶魔境 新宿 新宿幻霊事件 / Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Pseudo-Singularity I - Quarantined Territory of Malice, Shinjuku - Shinjuku Phantom Incident
Shounen Ace / Type-Moon / Shonen Sasaki / 佐々木 少年
Romanticer's High
ロマンチッカーズ・ハイ / No Money I Love You!!, Jack to Heart
Mituki Shimojou / 下條 水月 / WEBLink
Nagareboshi ni Negau hodo Bokura wa Sunao ja Nai
流れ星に願うほど僕らは素直じゃない / We're Not Honest Enough to Wish Upon a Star
Comic Heaven / Mito Satou / 佐藤 ミト
Deep Clear
Deep Clear 「Honey Bitter」×「こどものおもちゃ」特別番外編
Cookie / Miho Obana / 小花 美穂
Hey, Sensei?
ねえ、先生? / Nee, Sensei? / Hey Sensei, Hey, Sensei?, Lieber Lehrer, Nee Sensei, Nee, Sensei, Unbreakable Bones, Unbreakable Bone
Yaya Sakuragi / 桜城 やや / b-Boy Phoenix
Onegai, Sensei
お願い、せんせい / Please, Teacher, Please, Sensei, Amai Namida wa Koi no Aji, Sweet Tear is the Flavor of Love, Altair no Koibumi, Altair's Love Letter, Nemuri no Kuni no Shounen, The Boy from the Sleeping Country
Betsucomi / Taamo / タアモ
Honey So Sweet
honey / Honey / Emery Sugar, Granulated Sugar
Bessatsu Margaret / Amu Meguro / 目黒 あむ / 目黑 亞霧
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Sweet Little Devil
Sweet Little Devil / Heart and Soul, Moment Like Fireworks, Love Prep Room, Our Future Plans, Starting Over, One and Only, Girls Don't Cry, Another Sweet Field
Iku Nanzaki / 南崎 いく
1🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Romance,Shoujo ai