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Ookami-tachi no Shiikuhou
オオカミたちの飼育法 / Ookamitachi no Shiikuhou, Wolves' Raising Method
Flowers / Nana Shiiba / 椎葉 ナナ
Tenshi no Hohoemi, Akuma no Namida
天使の微笑、悪魔の涙 / Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears
Flowers / Chiho Saitou / さいとう ちほ / 斉藤 千穂
Hana yori mo Hana no Gotoku
花よりも花の如く / More Flowerlike than the Flowers
Melody / Minako Narita / 成田 美名子
1🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Toki wo Yuku Uma
時を往く馬 / A Horse Traveling Time, Star Kid no Fumou na Houken, Keiko-chan no Kyouji Seikatsu!?, The Horse That Passes Through Time
Flowers / Keiko Takemiya / 竹宮 惠子
Waltz wa Shiroi Dress de
円舞曲は白いドレスで / Waltz in a White Dress, White Waltz, Ken to Mademoiselle, Honeymoon Typhoon, Pandora no Hako, Pandora's Box
Flowers / Chiho Saitou / さいとう ちほ / 斉藤 千穂
Ka Shin Fuu
花信風 / Kashinfuu / Spring Wind Telling the Tidings of Flowers
Makoto Tateno / 立野 真琴
Kodama Yuki Tanpenshuu
マンゴーの涙 小玉ユキ短編集 / Kodama Yuki's Short Stories
Flowers / Yuki Kodama / 小玉 ユキ
Summer Escape
逃げる夏 / Nigeru Natsu / Summer Escape
Flowers / Natsuko Hamaguchi / 浜口 奈津子
Flowers In Distress
함께 지는 꽃,Flowers Falling Together
Queenoo / Foxtoon
Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Gifuu Doudou!!: Naoe Kanetsugu - Maeda Keiji Hanagatari
義風堂々!! 直江兼続 ~前田慶次花語り~ / Gifu Do-Do!! Maeda Keiji Talking Under Flowers
Tetsuo Hara / 原 哲夫 / Masato Deguchi / Comic Zenon
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Action,Historical,Martial Arts
The Time Of Cherry Blossoms
As The Sakura Flowers Bloom,Ciliegi in fiore,Le temps des cerisiers,Sakura no Hanasaki kukoro,Sakura no Hanasaku Koro,Family Plot,Taxi Driver ,Shoujo no Kisetsu - Summer Dream ,The Season of the Cherry Trees,桜の花咲くころ,桜の花咲くころ 北条司短編集
Tsukasa Hojo
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Psychological,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Yesterday, Yes a Day
Flowers / Nao Iwamoto / 岩本 ナオ
🇯🇵Josei(W),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Kuro Bara Alice D.C. al fine
黒薔薇アリス fine / Black Rose Alice D.C. al fine
Setona Mizushiro / 水城 せとな / Flowers
Anastasia Club
アナスタシア倶楽部 / Zoku Anastasia Club
Flowers / Chiho Saitou / さいとう ちほ / 斉藤 千穂
White Lilies in Love Hana Kaoru Toki, Anata Ha. Shakaijin Yuri Anthology
White Lilies in Love When you smell flowers, you shall. Society Yuri Anthology / White Lilies in Love With the Scent of Flowers, You Shall... Society Yuri Anthology / White Lilies in Love 花香るとき、貴方は。 社会人百合アンソロジー
Pyaa, Konataeru
Touhou - Yuka Kazami's Sunflower Field (Doujinshi)
Drink till Drunk in the Scent of the Party (Touhou Project) / Flower Master (Touhou Project) / Flowers and Humans and Youkai and… (Touhou Project) / Yuuka Kazami’s Sunflower Field (Touhou Project) / 風見幽香の向日葵畑
Bococho Farm (Circle),Carcharias (Circle),Kahlua Milk (Circle),Imogawa Haruko,Kemonomichi (Circle),Letra (Circle),Toriniku Seikatsu (Circle),Hammock (Circle),Tohonifun (Circle),Asatsuki Dou (Circle) / Bococho,Chado,Cercis,Toto Nemigi,Chihiro,Takitarou,Emu/Nyagakiya,Imogawa Haruka,Mock,Ugatsu Matsuki
Yozora no Ouji to Asayake no Hime
名もなき国の 恋の歌 / The Boundary Between Archer and Scorpion, The Long, Far Road, Giraffes' Necks Are Too Long, The Imaginary Land, Flowers Forming a Parabola, Her Cat Wards Off My Bad Dreams, Itoshii no Maid-sama, Capturing You, The Crow Woman, A Love Song in a Nameless Co
Mera Hakamada / 袴田 めら / Comic Yuri Hime
🇯🇵Comedy,Shoujo ai
Nemurenu Kishi ni Hanataba o
Nemurenu Kishi ni Hanataba wo / 眠れぬ騎士に花束を / Bouquets of Flowers for the Sleepless Knight / Billy Bocchan no Yuuutsu / My Little Lily / Over the Blue / Touzoku Zeal wa Dare ga Tame ni Mau
yumi kiiro
ジュエリー★EYES / The Patch of a Rebel, Lucky Flowers
Ribon Magazine / Erika Kurahashi / 倉橋 えりか
Hana no Niwa Ame no Mai
花の庭 雨の舞 / A Garden of Flowers, A Dance of Rain
Mi Tagawa / 田川 ミ / Kurofune Momo
Hakoniwa (Saika Kunieda)
箱庭 / I Know You're in South Country / May Miracle / The Miniature Garden / Himerareta Hana / Hidden Flowers
saika kunieda
Mezametara Hana no Kiss
目覚めたら花のキス / Kiss of Flowers When Waking, Amai Cherry wo Ageru
Sho-Comi / Misaki Gotou / 後藤 みさき
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni
At the Night When Amaryllis Blooms / Higan Hana no Saku Yoru ni / On the Night the Spider Lily Blooms / The Night When the Amaryllis Blooms / The Unforgiving Flowers / 学校妖怪纪行 / 彼岸花の咲く夜に / 彼岸花盛开之夜 / 피안화 피는 밤에
Ryukishi07 / Tsunohazu Ichirou
🇯🇵Drama,Horror,Psychological,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy