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Nemurenu Kishi ni Hanataba o
Nemurenu Kishi ni Hanataba wo / 眠れぬ騎士に花束を / Bouquets of Flowers for the Sleepless Knight / Billy Bocchan no Yuuutsu / My Little Lily / Over the Blue / Touzoku Zeal wa Dare ga Tame ni Mau
yumi kiiro
ジュエリー★EYES / The Patch of a Rebel, Lucky Flowers
Ribon Magazine / Erika Kurahashi / 倉橋 えりか
Hana no Niwa Ame no Mai
花の庭 雨の舞 / A Garden of Flowers, A Dance of Rain
Mi Tagawa / 田川 ミ / Kurofune Momo
Hakoniwa (Saika Kunieda)
箱庭 / I Know You're in South Country / May Miracle / The Miniature Garden / Himerareta Hana / Hidden Flowers
saika kunieda
Ruri no Kaze ni Hana wa Nagareru
瑠璃の風に花は流れる / Flowers Flow in the Lapis Lazuli Wind
Asuka / Kairi Yuki / 由貴 海里 / Arisa Maki / 槇 ありさ
Mezametara Hana no Kiss
目覚めたら花のキス / Kiss of Flowers When Waking, Amai Cherry wo Ageru
Sho-Comi / Misaki Gotou / 後藤 みさき
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni
At the Night When Amaryllis Blooms / Higan Hana no Saku Yoru ni / On the Night the Spider Lily Blooms / The Night When the Amaryllis Blooms / The Unforgiving Flowers / 学校妖怪纪行 / 彼岸花の咲く夜に / 彼岸花盛开之夜 / 피안화 피는 밤에
Ryukishi07 / Tsunohazu Ichirou
🇯🇵Drama,Horror,Psychological,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Uruwashi no Eikoku Series
Beautiful England 1: Waiting for the Moon to Rise / Beautiful England 2: China Bird Guide / Beautiful England 3: Resident of the Castle in the Sky / Beautiful England 4: The Flowers Melancholy / Beautiful England 5: The Wind Opened the Door / Beautiful England Series / China Bird / China Bird Guide / China no Tori / Chuugoku no Tori / Hanabana no Yuuutsu / Kuuchuuroukaku no Juunin / Resident of the Castle in the Sky / The Flowers Melancholy / The Wind Opened the Door / Tobira wo Akeru Kaze / Tsukinode wo Matte / Uruwashi no Eikoku Shiriizu / Waiting for the Moon to Rise / うるわしの英国シリーズ / 中国の鳥 / 扉をあける風 / 月の出をまって / 空中楼閣の住人 / 花々のゆううつ / 雙子玫瑰的憂鬱
Hana Yori Dango
流星花园 / 花より男子 / 花样男子 / 꽃보다 남자 / Boys over Flowers / Boys Over Flowers: Jewelry Box / Con nhà giàu / Con Trai Hơn Hoa / Dumplings over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango - Ore no Hanashi wo Shiyouka / HanaDan / Meteor Garden / No me lo digas con flores (Spanish) / Ore no Hanashi wo Shiyouka
Kamio Youko
Shoujo(G),Adult,Action,Comedy,Cooking,Drama,Romance,School Life
Aru Hi, Knight ni Atta nara
ある日、ナイトに会ったなら / Aru Hi, Knight ni Attanara, My Knight, One day, when I met a Knight, One Day, While Meeting a Knight, Marriage at 17, When it Rains, I Often Have a Slight Fever, 0019 is Our Number
Flowers / Chiho Saitou / さいとう ちほ / 斉藤 千穂
Last flowers for Lilith
魔女〈リリス〉のやさしい葬列〈パレード〉 / Lilith no Yasashii Parade / Majo no Yasashii Souretsu
Comic Ryu / Nao Kurogama / 黒釜 ナオ
Flowers Of Evil
악의 꽃 / Ak-eui Kkot / Blumen des Bösen / Les Fleurs du Mal / Flower of evil / The Evil Flowers / The Flowers of Evil / Цветята на злото (Bulgarian) / Kwiaty Zła (Polish) / Kötülük Çiçekleri(Turkish) / I Fiori del Male (Italian) / zohor alshar (arabic)
Lee Hyeon-Sook
Doujinshi,Shoujo(G),Adult,Mature,Action,Comedy,Cooking,Drama,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Tragedy
Spiritual Princess
町でうわさの天狗の子〈Spiritual Princess〉 / Machi de Uwasa no Tengu no Ko / Te wo Totte, Sono mama de, Te wo Totte, Sonomama de
Flowers / Nao Iwamoto / 岩本 ナオ
箱庭 / The Miniature Garden, May Miracle, Doll, 5-gatsu no Kiseki, May Miracle, Hime Rareta Hana, Hidden Flowers, Kimiyo Shiruya Minami no Kuni, I Know You're in South Country
Be x Boy GOLD / Saika Kunieda / 国枝 彩香 / Sakai Kunie / 坂井久仁江
My Private Magic Generator
魔法自家発電 / Mahou Jika Hatsuden / Mahou Jikahatsuden, Sofa Bed Tour, Who ni Tsukeru Namae, Otenki Hanbai, Futari Jikan
Flowers / Kazuno Tani / 谷 和野
Flowers & Bees
花とみつばち / Hana to Mitsubachi / Flowers and Bees
Young Magazine / Moyoco Anno / 安野 モヨコ / Moyoko Anno
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Seize The Flowers Of Love
Hana wa Mijikashi, Koiseyo Otome. / 花はみじかし、恋せよオトメ。
Hoshina Hitsuzi
Hana no Keiji: Kumo no Kanata ni
花の慶次 ―雲のかなたに― / Flowers of Keiji, Keiji's Flowers
Shounen Jump / Tetsuo Hara / 原 哲夫 / Keiichiro Ryu / 隆 慶一郎
0 Percent Bouquet Of Flowers
0パーセントの花束 / 0 Percent no Hanataba / Zero Paasento no Hanataba / Zero Percent Bouquet of Flowers / Zero Percent no Hanataba
Mikami Shino
Yuugure, Orange, Saku Hana wa
Dusk, Orange, the Blooming Flowers / Yuugure, Orenji, Saku Hana wa
ohsawa yayoi
Drama,Romance,School Life,Shoujo ai
Sora ni Furu no wa Akane no Mahou
Flowers / Koyomi Shiromizu / 白水 こよみ
Seitokaichou no Yuuutsu
生徒会長のユウウツ / When the Flowers Bloom, Hana no Saku Koro, Yasashii Basho, Seitokaichou no Yuuutsu, Puits d' Amour, Nido Onaji Hito ni Koi wo Suru, Kimi ni Muchuu, Ryouchou no Yuuutsu
Natsume Katsura / 夏目 かつら
The Flowers Have Blossomed
The Flowers Have Blossomed / 花が咲いたよ
🇯🇵Oneshot,Loli,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Spirit Academy Love Ghost
心霊学園恋変化 / Shinrei Gakuen Koihenge
Flowers / Kayono / 香代乃
When the Flowers Bloom
When the Flowers Bloom / 능소화 / Quando as flores desabrocham
조두진 / 스르륵코믹스
🇰🇷Webtoon,Historical,Romance,Drama,Slice of Life,Adaptation,Full Color,Tragedy