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Crystal Jewels MiniZ (クリスタルジュエルチビz Kurisutarujueru ChibiZ) is the Japanese kodomo manga series written by Tokiiro Asuka, and Illustrated by Ayana Watasho. Currently, there are 766 chapters[1] (15 chapters in each 51 volumes), and all the characters are based on their series, which focuses on their worlds. The crossover phenomenon grabs all the reader's attention stating, "Characters from their world makes a difference in this manga! (世界のキャラクターがこのマンガに違いを生む!Sekai no kyarakutā ga kono manga ni chigai o umu![2])" However, it is the 88th longest-running manga in Japan[3]. The first chapter was a “Pilot chapter”, which was first released in December 1993[4] before they created the series in 1994. The manga was published in BangBang Power[5] since their first volume in May 19, 1994 in Japan, which is the 80th longest running manga in Japan worldwide. In November 1998, Ching Yi starts publishing Crystal Jewels MiniZ in English[6]. Creator of the Crystal Jewels series, Maruko Jinko, stated that Crystal Jewels MiniZ is one of his favorite Crystal Jewels manga in the franchise.[7] Renammed "The Manga of Crystal Jewels" in the hardcover version, Mangamedia releases Volumes 1-5 in their hardcover version in 2002-03. In the magazine version (Crystal Jewels the Manga)[8], it selects each of the five chapters in each volumes. The manga was renamed New Crystal Jewels MiniZsince volume 41. The creator of the Crystal Jewels series, Maruko Jinko, explains that the manga series have slapstick violence, fouth-wall breaking, crude humor, and various of crossovers.

Crystal Jewels MiniZ now have released over Japan and United States, united Kingdom, Ireland,[9] and other countries. Tokiiro Asuka and Ayana Watasho have worked together, and agreed to make a Crystal Jewels MiniZ community. Asuka once stated, “I will have my life to work for this awesome series, Crystal Jewels MiniZ!”[10] Watasho then was able to agree about Asuka after the cancellation of Leader of Skills[11] in June 1993, then they decided to create the Crystal Jewels long-running manga series. The manga series was today one of the best-selling manga in the US. It then inspires people and young and old readers to read it again, and it became a popular Crystal Jewels manga series in the Crystal Jewels franchise. Maruko Jinko once stated, “i couldn’t just help it! I can’t give up Crystal Jewels MiniZ! We have to make an impact!”[12] Maruko Jinko was then challenged in the interview about the manga. Crystal Jewels MiniZ, known as Kurisutarujueru ChibiZ, was the longest running series.
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